Category: Uncategorized
Double Happiness – A Masala Love Story – Promotion on Amazon
Hello! We will have a promotion of Double Happiness starting 12 January 2014. You can buy the book for 0.99 USD for a very short time. Check here and please leave a review. Thank you. VMS
Is networking overrated?
As a professional career coach I often advise people to build up and maintain a network as it will help them find a new role or start a new business venture faster. I consider myself an effective networker (online and offline). I really enjoy connecting people and I often bring people together who…
Sometimes I cry for no reason – an open heart
Anjuna Beach, Goa India by Vivienne M. Sharma My heart is open for the first time in months. I sense people’s emotions and I laugh with the receptionist Sajan, the driver and guy at the check-in. One immigration person greets me with “Guten Morgen”. I am amazed and say “Danke”. Tears almost here. I…
Field Research in India
My dear friends, Most of you know that I have spent the last three weeks in my “home” country India to research and relax. Goa’s beautiful beaches helped immensely. In Dubai I made the last edits of “Double Happiness” (Part 1) and sent the novella to my editor. She will run the final edits this week.…
How to change your life so you have more time for writing
Café Kashi in Cochin, Kerala, South India – one of my favorite hangouts. Vivienne M. Sharma Tom J. has been fired. He still gets up in the morning at 6 am, has a shower, starts dressing and leaves the house in a suit. The embarrassment of telling his wife and kids is so high that…
What inspired me for “Double Happiness”?
Dearest friends, Without creative space there is no room for your inner voice to submerge from the deep holes of your subconsciousness. For years and years I had been living in a world of target orientation and performance. I was tired constantly and worked my butt off. Then in 2006 I came to India for…
Damian is not only my uncle but he will also be my father-in-law soon. As per Indian tradition I shall move to the house of my in-laws soon. Damian is a real Aussie man with tattoos, white skin and blond hair. He loves fishing, motorbikes and loud music. I can imagine him young on a…
“Auntie” (and soon-to-be my mother-in-law) Astrid has always been a very strong help in my life. Since I never met my mother, Astrid was the female role model that I needed when growing up. She is strong, intelligent and very warm. Astrid left her family together with her husband Damian in 2012 when they started…
Jab Tak Hai Jaan
This is the type of song my mother would have loved:
Some of my friends and family have approached me and questioned why “Double Happiness” will first come out in English. Well, obviously because it is the language most people will understand and it is written in English because in my family this is the main language we speak. However, it can later be translated into other…