Category: Writing

  • Holiday Blues of A Writer – Why you need to take an inspirational rest once in a while

    I have been irritated with myself for not working more over the holidays.  I was disappointed that I did not write more and that I slept, ate and watched movies most of the time. Today is the first official working day of the New Year and I have started by reading and writing. I feel…

  • Writing is Life – Four lessons learnt from writing 500 words a day

    Successful writers will tell you that you need to practice writing regularly if you want to get better at it. I have recently joined a challenge where we write 500 words a day without editing. We count creative writing (novels, short stories) and blog posts. Here are four lessons learnt that I would like to…

  • Double Happiness – A masala love story – Prelaunch Information

    Dear Tributes and Fans, Our Queen Vivienne and her entourage are honoured to announce: “Double Happiness” is here to stay and “A masala love story” (Part 1 of 4) will soon be delivered throughout our kingdom by the major seller of electronic reading material (also known as (“Tatatataaaaa”)! Check your amazon site on Friday,…

  • Postponing life again and again

    Our lives have become so hectic. We think in terms of optimizing our time. We want to maximize output while reducing input. We give ourselves targets. We rush. We run. Sometimes we force ourselves to take a break and stop for a few minutes to meditate. Relaxation is forced upon us as well as a…

  • How do you start your story?

    Today I just drove around and got lost on the highway. A flash woke me up “Shit” I thought. I drove more than 20 km too fast. This fine will be huge and I am already broke as hell. The whole day I had been thinking about writing but somehow I could not sit down. There seemed to be too much to do around the house…

  • Are you a writer?

    At the fancy dinner party last night (where I decided to quit smoking for good) a nice lady from Venezuela asked me “Are you a writer?”. I smiled and said “At the moment I am just a writer, but hopefully in 2013 I will become an author.” She was keen on understanding what I mean…