Category: Women
Double Happiness – A masala love story – Prelaunch Information
Dear Tributes and Fans, Our Queen Vivienne and her entourage are honoured to announce: “Double Happiness” is here to stay and “A masala love story” (Part 1 of 4) will soon be delivered throughout our kingdom by the major seller of electronic reading material (also known as (“Tatatataaaaa”)! Check your amazon site on Friday,…
Postponing life again and again
Our lives have become so hectic. We think in terms of optimizing our time. We want to maximize output while reducing input. We give ourselves targets. We rush. We run. Sometimes we force ourselves to take a break and stop for a few minutes to meditate. Relaxation is forced upon us as well as a…
Mother’s Day 2013: Tame your EGO, woman?
True love: Men helping wife to carry the load. Guest post by @angieweinberger In light of Sheryl Sandberg’s book „Lean In“ I recently pondered about the question of my ego. I have always been ambitious and had targets in my professional life. I still do. Ms. Sandberg inspired me to write down „I want…