The Queendom of Sharma

  • Lara

    Lara, my godmother is easily described. She is a doctor who travels the world, half Austrian, half American. She smokes, hardly sleeps and she usually jogs in the mornings. Lara wants to succeed. She never feels good enough and has a difficult relationship with her father, Mr. Nashville, maybe because she is the first doctor…

  • Arjun

    It is a lot easier for me to write about Arjun because his character is very similar to my father. He is loving and in the beginning a bit weak. He sometimes does not really know where to go and lets others drive him. Arjun almost needs a strong woman like my mother (and his…

  • Jay

    I just spoke to uncle Jay. Now I might need to change his character slightly. He is not so happy with the way I depict him. Single, party guy and drinker who should have become a lawyer but then just got rich by selling whiskey. He is a fun guy too and Raj’s best friend.…

  • Feeling blue or red?

    We all have days where the weight of the world is upon us. Since I left full-time employment and started up my own company these days have become a lot less. However, yesterday I had one of those days. It started with early news on killings in Gaza. As you know, i hardly ever get…

  • Raj

    I urgently have to write a character study of Raj. My main issue with Raj is that he too good to be true. I have not found his dark side yet. In Part 3 he is neglecting Lara and gets sucked into work. Maybe he has a workaholic tendency and like every man he cannot…

  • Inspirations

    Recently, met Joanna Penn. She has been very inspiring and made me think that I could actually become an author. > What do you think? Vivienne M. Sharma

  • Hey everyone!

    As you might know in one of my novels Facebook is identified as a spy tool so I decided to work with word press going forward. You have any questions on “Double Happiness”? Join our reading list for updates. I will also give you some background information as we get to know each other better.…

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